About Caroline
Mother, grandmother, writer, poet & spiritual life coach
Caroline Carey
Caroline is an English Grandmother and an aspiring elder, an author of six books, a speaker and innovative and creative teacher, offering her work through her writings and also via creative writing workshops, seminars and online webinars.
She has been writing prose and poetry since she was four years old and developed an innate understanding of the soul’s journey, from an early age. This has become part of all she shares, in living a spiritually principled life, full of creativity and bringing those teachings and experiences to others.
My first experience of writing was being taught by my mother at the age of three.
Because my brother (18 months older than me,) came home from school on his first day there, proudly announcing he could write his own name now, my dear mother some what distraught at failing to teach him prior to that, decided that her daughter would learn ‘before’ she went to school and she would learn NOW!
So there it began, pencil in hand I would be sat at the kitchen table learning how to write. It was decided I would also read as well and much as I loved books and stories it was hard to muscle down to the aspirations of mother. I would have rather played with my guinea-pigs in the garden!
But learn I did and from that early age, I began to see words and phrases as having poetic meanings and would literally play with the words, making up different and unusual sentences ad phrases. This I could get my tiny mind around.
One Christmas in my letter to Santa, I asked for the biggest poetry book ever! I was gifted The Golden Treasury Of Poetry, and it was indeed the greatest treasure.
Soon after this school arrived and I as thrown into an academic confusion as my own way of understanding the meanings of words and sentences became diminished and disapproved of. My way was not the correct way and certainly not the Queens English by any means.
My mother was a perfectionist and wanted very much for my English to be proper. I was sent to a school for young ladies, given education lessons and the Birmingham accent I was endowed with firmly put to sleep.
But as time has gone by, and my creativity has burst forth, my poetry was re-ignited. My country dwelling, belief in spirituality, God and the ways of shamanism that has been lost in our culture, yet hidden in the seams and the shadows of our livelihoods, began to emerge once more to the surface and I felt the freedom of my own voice and my own ways of writing.
I ‘allowed’ myself to write in my own language, to bring forward my own creations and write with and for that spiritual guidance that I felt in my finger tips. I encourage others to find ‘their’ voices to open up to the creativity of their own unique hearts and stories and to bring forward the breath of fresh air that is their own souls calling.
Now with six books written and published, I aim to inspire the souls of my readers, by sharing what I have discovered and by offering the maps that have worked for me.