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The most delicate of petals
The woman’s body, tuned into the natural rhythms, it ebbs and flows and changes with its own seasons. Each part of it ages, just like the leaves from spring to autumn to winter and beyond. And like those leaves the woman’s skin becomes so very delicate, even more...
The Muse In The Dark – On Menopause & Creativity
I knew my menopause would ‘happen’ as I turned 50. I knew it because that is when it happened to my mother. She told me this and informed me that we usually follow the timing of our mothers on such things. I began my menstrual cycle at the same time as her also, she...
Wounded Innocence
What happens to a child that has been abused, neglected or traumatised, who later in life is trying to deal with that story, remembering that what ever happened and not just what happened in those moments but also what happened around the abuse, the words spoken, the...
Is your voice being heard?
being heard / Dance / empowerment / healing / heart medicine / Middle Earth Medicine / poetry / soul retrieval / Spirit / spirituality / voice by Caroline Carey As a child I had ideas that I always longed to share and did my best to in one way or another. For sure...
Wheel of Souls Return – process
As you follow the guidance that The Oracle model and the Wheel of Souls Return gives you, you begin to awaken to your true nature. This informs you of the work you need to do as an individual to find fulfilment, happiness and success. The benefit of this process is...
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